Cardio-vascular System

Complesso peptidico per meteodipendenti e cardiopatici. Contiene peptidi - vasi, cervello, miocardio.
• prevenzione dell'invecchiamento precoce
• fenomeni di dipendenza meteorologica
• emicranie
• cardiopatia ischemica
• insufficienza cardiaca
• miocardite
• distrofia miocardica
€25.00 €31.00
30 tablets of 0,5 g.
This preparation in based on hesperidin, nicotinic acid and plant components. It has a powerful antioxidant and angioproteguoe action. Dilates blood vessels, improves microcirculation, promotes removal of venous statis, strengthening the walls of blood vessels and capillaries, decrease the blood pressure, at that prevent from development of stroke and heart attack. Nicotinic acid which is part of the preparation actively participates in oxidation–reduction reactions transforming sugar and fat into energy, has a positive effect on lipid metabolism and helps reducing of cholesterol levels in the blood.
€21.00 €26.00
Revilab SL 01 — contains peptides of the vascular wall and heart muscle.
€35.00 €43.00
Vascular wall peptides. Peptides have a selective action on various cells of the vascular wall, normalize their metabolism and regulate functions of the vascular system.
€47.00 €57.00
Ventfort contiene i peptidi dell'aorta naturale. Normalizza la funzione dei vasi sanguigni riducendo la loro carenza di peptidi e ripristinando la sintesi proteica all'interno delle loro cellule.
Diseases of the cardiovascular system in the world today are the leading causes of human disabilities and reduction of life expectancy. Underlying causes of diseases in this group are changes in the vascular wall, blood flow, and insufficiency in absorbing food by tissues. Taking into consideration such problems, bioregulator for vessels.