Musculoskeletal System

Products for Musculoskeletal System, Joints, Bones and Cartilage

Purpose in
during deossification and urolithiasis
in muscle weakness, hyperplasia parathyroid
at numbness and muscle spasms, caused by hypocalcemia.
€47.00 €57.00
Bonothyrk - contiene i peptidi di ghiandola paratiroidea, normalizza il metabolismo, aumenta la sua attività funzionale. Sistema muscolo-scheletrico / Sistema riproduttivo femminile.
Cartilage and bone tissue peptides. Peptides have a selective action on various cells of bone and cartilaginous tissues, normalize their metabolism and regulate the function of joints and spine.
€47.00 €57.00
Il prodotto Sigumir contiene un complesso dei peptidi isolati dai tessuti ossei e cartilaginei. Agisce selettivamente sulle cellule normalizzando il loro metabolismo e normalizza le funzioni delle articolazioni e della colonna vertebrale.
• Artrosi e artrite
• Reumatismi
• Osteocondrosi
• Osteoporosi
• Gotta
Cartilage and bone tissue peptides. Peptides have a selective action on various cells of bone and cartilaginous tissues, normalize their metabolism and regulate the function of joints and spine.
€55.00 €67.00
Revilab SL 01 — contains peptides of the vascular wall and heart muscle.
€35.00 €43.00
Revilab SL 04 — it contains peptides of T-cell branch of immune system, cartilage and muscles.
€35.00 €43.00
Revilab SL 07 — it contains peptides of B-cell branch of immune system, bone marrow and vessel wall.
€35.00 €43.00
For prevent violations of various systems and organs functioning, correction of already available diseases.
€93.00 €113.00
For increased physical activities.
€17.00 €21.00
Per il sistema muscolare. I peptidi dei tricipiti possiedono un'azione selettiva sui miociti, normalizzano il metabolismo, aumentano la loro attività funzionale.
€55.00 €67.00