
Prodotti peptidici per ringiovanimento

Concentratore di energia e attivatore di collagene. Migliora efficacemente la memoria, il metabolismo, protegge il corpo dall'invecchiamento.
€83.00 €101.00
Cerluten is a natural peptide complex extracted from the brain tissues of young animals (calves no older than 12 months of age). Such peptides have beneficial effects on the different cells of the nervous system and brain tissues, by regulating their metabolism and functions.
€47.00 €57.00
Complex of peptide fractions of the brain. Peptides possess selective action to nervous tissue and brain cells, normalize metabolism in cells and regulate their functions. Сardiovascular system / Visual organs / Acoustic organs / Nervous system / Metabolic disorder / Skin diseases / Intoxications

Complex 3R® antioxidant defense of the body

€30.00 €37.00
Cream soap is a unique instrument in the fight against irritation, dryness, flaking skin. Recommended for daily use. It contains only natural ingredients. Disinfectants, tones, soothes and regenerates the skin. Heals and regenerates irritated and reddened skin of the face and body, cleans, makes the skin look healthy and pleasant to the touch.
€18.00 €23.00
Product contains a complex of peptides, which are isolated from the pineal gland (pineal gland) of young animals. The obtained substances regulate hormonal metabolism and selectively act on the cells of the neuroendocrine system. «Endoluten» also contributes to the normalization of metabolism in the cells of the epiphysis and the secretion of melatonin.


Regulates the neuroendocrine system
Regulates all cyclic processes in the body
Synchronizes the biological clock
Regulates the reproductive system
Slows down menopause processes
Increases fertility rate
Prevents cancer, particularly of the reproductive system (reduces risk of cancer up to 5 times)
Regulates immune and antioxidant status
Increases life expectancy
€97.00 €117.00

Endoluten 60 - ghiandola pineale, epifisi
Regola il sistema neuroendocrino
Regola tutti i processi ciclici nel corpo
Sincronizza l'orologio biologico
Regola il sistema riproduttivo
Rallenta processi di menopausa
Aumenta il tasso di fertilità
Previene il cancro, in particolare del sistema riproduttivo (riduce il rischio del cancro fino a 5 volte)
Regola lo stato immunitario e antiossidante
Aumenta l'aspettativa della vita
60 capsule di 200 mg ciascuna

Mesotel beauty con zinco e vitamine.
€25.00 €31.00
Mesotel Neo with resveratrol for
Сardiovascular system / Immune system / Respiratory system / Acoustic organs / Oral cavity pathologies / Neuroendocrine system / Nervous system / Hematopoietic system / Oncologic diseases / Metabolic disorder / Female reproductive system / Male reproductive system / Skin diseases / Intoxications / Urinoexcretory system
€27.00 €33.00
€25.00 €31.00
Complesso peptidico per il sistema immunitario. Contiene peptidi - timo.
• prevenzione dell'invecchiamento precoce
• Aumento dell'aspettativa di vita
• correzione di patologie di immunità
• stimolazione della rigenerazione di tutti gli organi e tessuti
• Prevenzione dell'oncologia
€25.00 €31.00
Complesso peptidico per articolazioni. Contiene peptidi - cartilagine, timo.
€25.00 €31.00
Complesso peptidico per la pelle. Contiene peptidi - vasi, cartilagine, timo, fegato.
• prevenzione dell'invecchiamento precoce
• miglioramento del colore, del tono, della topografia e della struttura della pelle
• malattie della pelle
€25.00 €31.00
Complesso peptidico per vene e arterie. Contiene peptidi dei vasi sanguigni.
Consigliato per:
• prevenzione dell'invecchiamento precoce
• prevenzione della trombosi
• vene varicose
• emorroidi
• tromboflebite
• ulcere trofiche
€25.00 €31.00
Pinealon 20 brain
€37.00 €45.00
Pinealon 60 brain
A highly effective anti-aging formulation with a powerful, delicating and antioxidant effect, which guarantees the fastest and most intense action in the fight against protein degradation and age-related changes in the skin.
€131.00 €158.00
Revilab SL 01 — contains peptides of the vascular wall and heart muscle.
€35.00 €43.00
TEMERO GENERO – complex of components for improvement of neuroendocrine and immune systems activity.
€38.00 €47.00
Diseases of the cardiovascular system in the world today are the leading causes of human disabilities and reduction of life expectancy. Underlying causes of diseases in this group are changes in the vascular wall, blood flow, and insufficiency in absorbing food by tissues. Taking into consideration such problems, bioregulator for vessels.
€47.00 €57.00

Vladonix 60 - timo, sistema immunitario

Contiene peptidi del timus.
Crema viso rinvigorente professionale con peptidi del tessuto cartilagineo.
€36.00 €44.00
Crema viso rigenerante professionale con peptidi della milza.
€36.00 €44.00
Revilab SL 03 — contains peptides of epiphysis, immune system T-link, immune system B-link.
€35.00 €43.00
Revilab SL 04 — it contains peptides of T-cell branch of immune system, cartilage and muscles.
€35.00 €43.00
Revilab SL 06 — it contains peptides of T-cell branch of immune system, bronchi, lungs and stomach walls.
€35.00 €43.00
Revilab SL 07 — it contains peptides of B-cell branch of immune system, bone marrow and vessel wall.
€35.00 €43.00
Revilab SL 08 - it contains peptides of T-cell branch of immune system, vessel wall and urinary bladder.
€35.00 €43.00
Revilab SL 09 - it contains peptides of epiphysis, testicles, urinary bladder and prostate.
€35.00 €43.00
Revilab SL 10 — it contains peptides of epiphysis, vessel wall and urinary bladder.
€35.00 €43.00
Chonluten lingual represents a complex of the short peptides contributing to normalization of liver and bronchial tube mucous membrane cells.
€47.00 €57.00
Siero Anti-AGE N5 - pelle perfetta con peptidi
€78.00 €95.00